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About Kalevala Goddess- bath salt collection

Writer's picture: Eeva Maria LeinoEeva Maria Leino

Hey dear ones,

like some of you have noticed I am big fan of our mythology and our roots are very important for me.

This all is expressed well in my work too.

A bit more than one year ago I found my old notes (from 5 y back) about Kalevala's goddesses and my journey started around this theme again.

I started to write a book about these empowering archetypes and at the same time did born my bath salt collection.

I wanted to create four different themes around these goddesses so I could easily

and earthy bring awareness from our roots and at the same time

create a practices that can help to feel more connected to the nature in us and outside of us.

These powerful goddesses are inside of all of us, they are like codes that we can open within us.

I have been passionate about learn to heal with plants now about seven years, and with these projects I can connect these two things I love : herbs and mythology.

Elemental wisdom, alchemy, herbalism and intuition are my tools while working on with these,

and my passion truly is to share these things with you too.

I can share now this secret with you but....


SOON there will be released on markets this :

Kalevala goddess bath salt collection with deep healing voice journey´s in each of them!

I wanted to create this ensemble so you could have opportunity to travel in your own home into your sub consciousness with empowering practices.

I will take you into the magical and ageless dimensions with voice journey and drumming while you can soak your feet or body in rejuvenating bath salts.


I will tell to you more about these things soon <3


Eeva Maria Leino

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